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10 Reasons Why CHP Turbines Are the Future of Renewable Energy

Writer's picture: Christopher WhittChristopher Whitt

Updated: May 6, 2022

There are a lot of new and exciting technologies that are disrupting the energy market. Renewable energy is one of the most disruptive of these technologies. While there are many types of renewable energy, the most common is solar energy. Solar energy is available all day long and can be used by anyone. The only catch is that you need lots of space. For small towns, this isn’t a big issue. However, when you are looking to scale up solar energy and save money, the cost of land becomes prohibitive. Fortunately, there’s another solution. CHP turbines, also known as cogeneration plants, are ideal for smaller towns and cities. These are a type of turbine that is used to generate both electricity and heat. The only downside is that they take up a lot of space. Therefore, we won’t see a lot of CHP turbines in smaller towns. But, they are the future of renewable energy. Here are 10 reasons why CHP turbines are the future of renewable energy.

Image Source: Capstone

CHP Turbines Are Highly Efficient

CHP turbines are normally paired with a central heat exchanger. This allows the turbine to heat water and produce both heat and electricity. In some cases, the turbine will generate 70-80% of its electricity and only use 20-25% of its fuel. That is a lot of efficiency! But, it gets even better. A lot of CHP turbines are also combined gasification combined cycle turbines. This means that they use natural gas as part of the fuel mix. Natural gas is a much cleaner fuel than coal. Therefore, these turbines have a much lower carbon footprint.

CHP Turbines Require Little Maintenance

CHP turbines aren’t only highly efficient. They are also maintenance free. This means that there is no need for fuel or maintenance checks. You only need to insulate houses and businesses around the turbines. This is because CHP turbines are normally used to make hot water and heat. Therefore, these areas will be much warmer than usual.

CHP Turbines Generate Both Heat and Power

Most CHP turbines can generate both heat and power. This can be done by co-locating a CHP turbine with a fossil fuel power plant. This is a great way to use the “distributed generation” that has been a hot topic for the energy market recently. The power plant will normally only be used for a few hours a day. That way some of the power can be used to heat the water from the CHP turbine.

CHP Turbines Are a Great Investment

CHP turbines are a great investment for several reasons. For one, they are highly efficient and don’t require maintenance. These are also a reliable source of energy. That is because they can provide power 24/7 without requiring maintenance or refueling. The only downside is that they aren’t cheap. These turbines cost a few hundred thousand dollars. That is a lot of money for a small town.

CHP Turbines are on the Rise

CHP turbines have been around for a while. These have been used on a larger scale and have been successful. That is why they are being used in bigger cities. But, there is a new trend that is making these even more popular. This is the use of off-grid systems. These systems will only work with solar panels. That way, the power is autonomous and doesn’t require a grid to be used.

CHP Turbines Have a Bright Future

CHP turbines are slowly but surely making their way into the market. This is because they are a very reliable source of energy. They are also highly efficient, require little maintenance, and are a great investment. These are ideal for large cities that have a high demand for energy. They are also great for areas that don’t have a lot of land. There is no need for extensive infrastructure.

CHP Turbines Provide an Alternative to Wind Energy

Wind turbines are great sources of renewable energy. But, they aren’t exactly easy to install or maintain. That is why CHP turbines provide an alternative. These are an ideal solution for rural areas. There isn’t a lot of land that can be used. Therefore, they don’t have to be installed or maintained. Another great thing about these turbines is that they are highly efficient and don’t need a lot of space. Therefore, they are perfect for smaller towns and cities.

CHIP Turbines Have a Lot of Benefits

CHIP turbines are a lot better than older models like CHP turbines. This is because they are much more efficient and can generate both heat and power. They can also be paired with a central heat exchanger. Therefore, they are a lot easier and cheaper to install.


Renewable energy is one of the most promising technologies of our time. However, it is not perfect. There are certain areas that are difficult to access. But, there’s a solution. It’s called CHP turbines. These are normally used in larger cities but can be used in smaller towns as well. They are highly efficient, don’t require maintenance, and generate both heat and power. They can be paired with a central heat exchanger. Therefore, they are a lot easier and cheaper to install. These are the future of renewable energy. That’s why they are so popular in big cities. But, they are perfect for smaller towns as well.



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